Political Pardons: The Case for Snowden

Sometimes I just have to write, and, well, I only have a public hiking journal (that I never write in), and no one will really read this, but I want to remember this day of pardons a few years from now when they come around again and another set of people aren't pardoned who deserve it. I recently put myself on a 14 day diet from Social Media. I am still debating whether Blogger is social media, but Twitter surely is... But, like all diets I've ever tried, I am going for the Chocolate Chunk Cookie while it's fresh. So, I am breaking my fast momentarily to talk about the one political issue I cared about in the last few weeks. As a pure Constitutionalist, I just couldn't listen to any more nonsense from either side about any of the political mayhem strangling the very last breath out of the Statue of Liberty. I don't have cable, and I don't trust the news, so I've not watched or read much of that, either. I am in a constant search for unbiased news. Gi...