The Adventures of Rambo & Squeak: The Ultimate Hiking Playlist

Another thing Rambo and I have in common is a love of music.  We both played bagpipes in high school, and he still does.  We both like harder rock and heavy metal in addition to classical music. 

Since we don't agree on what to haul into the woods, I figured we could find some common ground and plan our "trek" playlist. 

I am interested to know what other people are listening to on all these earbuds along the trail.  Are we all listening to "Uncle John's Band" by either the Grateful Dead or the Indigo Girls?  Are people listening to books on tape?  Even though I am an English professor,  I can't listen to books on tape...I will fall asleep while walking.  Other folks love podcasts.  Again, that's an instant lullaby to me.  What are you listening to?

I have several playlists hanging around on Spotify.  They are broken down into moods.  Lately, I've been listening to the "contemplative" playlist.  These are the top 10 songs on it:

  1. Darlingside: God of Loss
  2. Brandi Carlisle: The Eye
  3. Sister: Creature Like Me
  4. Indigo Girls: Uncle John's Band
  5. Callum Scott: Dancing on My Own
  6. Imagine Dragons: Thunder
  7. Bad Wolves: Zombie
  8. Five Finger Death Punch: Gone Away
  9. Foo Fighters: Sky is a Neighborhood
  10. Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
On the "haul ass" playlist, these are the top 10:
  1. Bush: Glycerine
  2. Metallica: Whiskey in a Jar
  3. Rolling Stones: Gimme Shelter
  4. Disturbed: Sound of Silence
  5. Marilyn Manson: Personal Jesus
  6. Dorothy: Flawless
  7. AC/DC: Thunderstruck
  8. Mumford & Sons: Little Lion Man
  9. John Mellencamp: Small Town
  10. Bon Jovi: It's My Life
I have other lists of classical music, bagpipe music, religious music, heavier metal, and techno/dubstep and house.  My staff says they know what mood I am in based on what is blaring in my office.  The bears of NJ and PA also know my moods as of late.  I think I don't see bears because I sing badly, and they want to be nowhere near me ;p

Once Rambo picks out his list which will likely be a mix of Metallica, Five Finger Death Punch, and bagpipe music, I will post it here, as well.


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