The Adventures of Rambo & Squeak: Big Iron on His Hip

So, before we carry on with one of the most controversial of hiking topics, let me preface this by saying a few things.  First, I respect whatever you believe.  I see the sides of all gun arguments, and I respect you and your opinion, and I don't expect my opinion to change yours and your opinion, while I am happy to hear it, won't impact mine.

One of things that is making this hike so memorable is that Rambo and I are complete opposites in many ways.  He sees the world as a place full of criminals because he is a prison officer, and his world is, literally, filled with criminals.  I am an English professor turned administrator, so I see the world in terms of literary devices (he would say sunshine and unicorn farts). 

Fair enough.

I am not opposed to gun ownership.  I was taught to shoot at a very young age, and I own long arms of my own.  I've won first place the last two years (the only two years I've participated) at the annual gun club "lobster shoot" (you don't shoot win them).  I was the only female shooter up against 24 other, more experienced (but probably drunk), shooters.  During college and graduate school, I earned pocket money as a certified archery instructor for the Girl Scouts. 

That said, I don't use guns on living creatures.  I am not opposed to hunting; I grew up in Pennsylvania with all brothers, and we ate venison, wild turkeys, and ducks every year.  Hanging in the woods all day in a tree stand sounds appealing, but only if I can have my journal and/or a good book.  Other than that, I just never found hunting appealing because I like to hug unicorns.  I love to eat unicorn jerky, though, so one goes with the other.

When I heckle my brother about the guns he is planning to take on our 24 hour hike, it isn't because I oppose the use of guns or his rights to have, hold, and snuggle up with them.  I just don't think they are necessary while hiking (and they weigh too much).

Please keep in mind that I love my brother and would walk naked through fire to save his life. Also keep in mind that this heckling is going both ways; he just doesn't blog about it.  He rolls his eyes at me just as much as I roll my eyes at him.  When I say, "dude, you don't need that" he is rolling his eyes and saying, "dude, I can't believe you've survived without that."

Taking a gun is one of those issues.

He is taking two of them.  He hasn't decided which two, but it's definitely two.  I think it is silly to have one gun let alone two guns.  I've never known anyone to need one (or two or ten).

His big beef with me is how I protect myself out in the wild.  I am not sure what he thinks I need protection from, but I am assuming it's bears, snakes, Sasquatch, and Nessie.  Most bears are running the other way...most snakes you can walk past and they don't bother you.  I've never met any fellow hikers that I wanted to shoot, and I've never met criminals on any trail I've ever walked.  Now, if I were younger and cuter, maybe I would pack heat, but at my age, one is knocking on my tent door demanding entry.

Plus, seriously, the gun and all the crap that goes along with it...that's like a million pounds I don't want to haul anywhere unless I can park next to the range.

The AT gun debate is heated, and I get it.  People are sometimes stupid when they pack heat or careless (which is worse).  Rambo is neither of these.  I also get that some people just feel safer if they have protection.  At the end of the day, the reality is that you have to hike your own hike and make the choices you think are best for you.  If packing heat helps him feel safe and empowered, who am I to judge?  If he is willing to carry all that weight, it isn't up to me to stop him.  It's his hike, and it's his pack.

But...that doesn't mean I am not gonna laugh at him ;p


  1. I don’t carry because I don’t own a gun. I don’t own a gun because I choose to live and hike where I don’t fear being killed by a person. I don’t fear any animal in nature where I live (Grizzlies are another story along with potentially mountain lions). If it ever comes down to it I’ll fight for my life with whatever I do have, but it’s such a remote possibility that I choose to treat it like avoiding being struck by lightning - I stay away from environments that make it more likely.

    Now, having said that I fully believe in someone’s right to carry a gun and it doesn’t bother me in the least someone hiking with one. To me if someone needs a gun to feel safe in the woods or they wouldn’t go, I would rather them carry and be comfortable than not carry and not go. And who knows, a person with a gun might save my life one day, unlikely but it could happen.

    1. I absolutely see it the same way. It doesn't bother me that people carry guns on the trail, and usually we don't know anyway since most people aren't waiving them around or target shooting. The extra weight just doesn't seem worth it to me.


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