The Adventures of Rambo & Squeak: Big Iron on His Hip
So, before we carry on with one of the most controversial of hiking topics, let me preface this by saying a few things. First, I respect whatever you believe. I see the sides of all gun arguments, and I respect you and your opinion, and I don't expect my opinion to change yours and your opinion, while I am happy to hear it, won't impact mine. One of things that is making this hike so memorable is that Rambo and I are complete opposites in many ways. He sees the world as a place full of criminals because he is a prison officer, and his world is, literally, filled with criminals. I am an English professor turned administrator, so I see the world in terms of literary devices (he would say sunshine and unicorn farts). Fair enough. I am not opposed to gun ownership. I was taught to shoot at a very young age, and I own long arms of my own. I've won first place the last two years (the only two years I've participated) at the annual gun cl...
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