Restart. Hiking After 40.

So, a million years ago, I hiked all the time.  Then I got married, had babies, started a fantastic career, and somehow...20 years went by.

My boys are teenagers now and can cook at least the college fair of fish sticks and microwave pizza, and so I've found my hiking legs once again.  I mean, I've puttered around over the years...a mile here and a mile there...but nothing that required me to dig a hole or pack out my freshly used TP.

So, it's time. 

This blog isn't going to be advertised anywhere, and is just a way for me to write down what I am thinking about as I plan hikes for myself and/or for a little MeetUp group I started for other folks wanting to get back into hiking/camping/kayaking.

We'll see. 

I suck at keeping a blog bc I forget about it, but I do love to write, and this is one way to keep things fresh in a memory that will like start fading soon as I grow older.  Some people buy lavish cars when they hit middle age...I just want to paddle my lil canoe all over and see God's beauty here on Earth before seeing His glory above.


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