Hogmanay Traditions

Clan Young Tartan, Scotland I began celebrating Hogmanay, or Scottish New Year, the year my mother, Karen, died. It was a way to remember her and the heritage she loved. Hogmanay is celebrated differently among many Scottish clans, and since I had no personal tradition to draw from, I did a lot of research and came up with our own tradition. Feel free to create your own tradition or to use this one if it helps bring closure to one year and launch you into a peaceful new year. Hogmanay, as celebrated in modern day Scotland, is a giant celebration combining music, fire, and gift giving. The US has its "Times Square" tradition; Scotland has Hogmanay. The roots of Hogmanay go back centuries and are linked to Norse, Gaelic, and Druid practices surrounding Winter Solstice. The traditions include music, fire, and gift giving, but also include ritual cleansing of the home and "first footing." To that end, these are the traditions we do in our house o...