The Adventures of Rambo and Squeak: The Great Debates Series, Part 1

Rambo and I used to debate over the important things: Thundercats versus Little House on the Prairie. They both came on TV at 4:00, and this was the only time slot of the day when our Mom didn't have a program she was watching because she was making dinner. Rambo, being older and much bigger, would always win the battle, but I still fought it every day. Fast forward 35 years. Neither of us watch TV. But, the banter has never died. It's how we roll. In the backpacking community, debates happen all the time. To Bear Bag or Not; that is the question. Trail runners versus boots? Tent or hammock? Brain, no brain? Trekking pole versus sticks? NOBO versus SOBO? Is a Flip Flop a legitimate thru hike? Aqua blazing ~ Yes or No? Every blaze or yellow blazing? Approach trail in Springer? Can you give yourself your own trail name? I've been crowd sourcing ideas forever, and I definitely ask questions with ...